Featured Artist - Pia Jane Bijkerk My Heart Wanders

have you ever seen a pear look so gorgeous.....?
fellow book lovers - my new favourite placemat!
beautiful fresh spring colours in the next three pics....
and some shots from the award winning blog
All images via Pia Jane Bijkerk
This weeks featured artist is the amazing and inspiring Pia Jane Bijkerk - photographer, stylist, author and blogger. For my special Eat Read Lovers who have been with me from the beginning, this post will come as no surprise. But in case you haven't seen this yet, here is a taste of some of the extraordinary and beautiful work by Pia.
eat: food that looks like it should be painted before its eaten. I love the photo of the cake served on a book...and that pear! read: the wonderful books Paris: Made by Hand, Amsterdam Made by Hand and my favourite 'my heart wanders' a travel memoir in Paris, beautiful styling and photography on every page. The book is all about taking a risks and following your heart, something we all dream about but rarely do...love: seeing the beauty in everyday objects, sublime travel photography and gorgeous french style interiors.
Thank you Pia for kindly allowing me to post these beautiful images on Eat Read Love, but you can find a whole lot more amazing inspiration on the award winning blog 'enhance the everyday' and on the website.
Have a lovely week. Natalie.