Obsessed with Outlander Show, Suits TV Show & More
New Season Outlander Show, Suits TV Show and Reign have me well and truly hooked and eagerly awaiting more! If you are a bit of an escapist like me and love a good period drama or box set addiction, then read long for some great Summer TV viewing.
Perhaps you can escape to the stunning 18th century Scottish Highlands with Jamie & Claire Fraser, indulge in a NYC legal 'bromance' with Harvey Specter and Mike Ross or step back in time to the French court with Mary Queen of Scots and her ladies in waiting. I have been trying to read more and turn off the TV but it is extremely hard with an abundance of excellent new TV shows on the box. Here is my top picks for the season:
Sigh….Outlander fever has well and truly set in again with my favourite Scottish warrior Jamie Fraser and his beloved 'Sassenach' Claire Randall hotting up TV screens all over the world in the brand new Outlander Show. What can I say I have always been a massive fan of Diana Gabaldon's epic time travel romance, historical fiction series called Outlander (Cross Stitch). This was one of the first books I featured on eat read love many years ago and lucky for me and my fellow Outlander fans, director Ronald Moore (with guidance from author Diana Gabaldon herself) has created a stunning adaptation of the book. The TV series stays pretty true to the books and Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire (Caitriona Balfe) have been cast perfectly. Lets just say watching Heughan as Jamie alone is a weekend highlight and the on-screen (and rumoured off-screen) chemistry between Sam & Caitriona is just brilliant. I can't imagine them being any more perfect for the role really.
The first series is shot on location in Scotland and I am now very eager to plan a Scottish Highlands tour right away, it looks magical! It's not entirely necessary to read the books before you watch the show but it is recommended to at least read the first one. It will make a lot more sense to you. While I eagerly await Part 2 of Outlander Season 1 (its a very long wait until April) I have started reading the books again and loving them just as much as the first time, if not more.
Megan Markle (who plays Rachel Zane in suits) has a fabulous blog called The Tig (a hub for those with a discerning palate) and seems a girl after my own heart with stories of food, fashion, travel, books and more. And 'The Tig' shares some excellent behind the scenes Suits styling too. With four seasons of Suits under my belt I will just have to eagerly await the new season. Here is a few pics you might enjoy.
I have to mention Orange is the New Black as its also a new favourite of mine. An American comedy Drama series created by Jenji Kohan, the show is based on Piper Kerman's memoir 'Orange is the New Black: My year in a Women's Prison' about her experiences in a prison. With an amazing cast lead by Taylor Schilling and scooping up plenty of awards, this is definitely worth a watch. I loved it! The last episode of Season 2 is just brilliant. You will know what I mean when you watch it.
Its no secret by now that I am a huge period drama fan and if I could time travel I would most definitely go back to the French court in the 16th century. I describe Reign to friends as 'Gossip Girl meets Game of Thrones'. A huge fan of both of these TV series, Reign was a nice little surprise I stumbled upon recently. Reign is an American historical fiction TV series following (loosely) the early years of Mary Queen of Scots in 1557 France. The show is set at French Court while Mary awaits her marriage to the future King of France Francis II (Dauphin) to whom she has been engaged since 6 years old. There is plenty of eye candy in the male leads brothers Bash (Torrance Coombs those eyes!) and Francis (Toby Regbo), and the gorgeous Australian actress Adelaide Kane who plays Mary is great. Many will recognise Catherine di Medici played by Anne of Green Gables actress Megan Follows. Season 2 is just about to air in the US. This is easy watching indeed for fans of a period drama while you wait for Suits and Outlander to return. Enjoy.