eat read loves to decor8
This gorgeous pic is via Debi Treolar artist and photographer, originally from Zimbabwe and based in London. Her amazing work has been featured in titles such as Elle Décor with photographs in over 30 books on interiors and food - all the things that Eat Read Love loves!)
read: DECORATE by Holly Becker featuring Debi Treolar's beautiful work . Holly is an Interior Designer and Stylist, as well as blogger of the fabulous decor8 blog. Here is some pics from the book launch in Amsterdam and also from the decor8blog which has just been added to Eat Read Love's beautiful blog roll!
The book shop window from the book launch and some of the lovely interiors featured on the decor8 site....

Via decor8 blog
love: the dash of pink in these lovely pics by Debi Treolar
concret grey with a dash of fushia and pink
Via Debi, Treolar
Credit where credit is due.....all of the beautiful images in this blog are from decor8, debi treolar and Holly Becker's beautiful DECORATE book. Happy eating, reading and loving....